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Tag Archives: water

As I have mentioned here, I am making a conscious effort to blog more often. Many things have kept me occupied, however I should have more time on my hands after the 19th. Hopefully I will be blogging a lot. These are two images I took in Chester. I quite like the way they have come out, hope you like them too!

For those of you don’t know I started a facebook photography page a few months ago, I have not given it much publicity – in fact this is the first time I am mentioning it in any blog of mine. If you like my photographs, do like it here! Ninety Nine people have ‘liked’ it thus far, you may be the hundredth! Thank you.

Have a great week!

Rather heavy rain in London today, by English standards that is. Managed to take this from outside my room window.


I must confess the timing of this shot was very accidental, nevertheless its interesting that I managed to capture the man jetting out a spurt of water from his mouth!

He possibly is a Mahout after a wash of himself and the great mammal beside him.