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The weather in London these past few days has been gorgeous.  It has been very hot and today reached 30 degrees Celsius! Exploiting the long daylight, (sunset today was at 8.59 pm, no really) I went to the local cemetery and just started clicking away.

I had the odd look from bystanders which clearly had the word weirdo written in their eyes when they were looking at me, but then in here, no one gives a tosh.

There were some flowers which had grown near good ole George Barnabas’s tombstone (d 1813), not sure if he felt me lurking around his grave trying to take photographs. I managed to get a few and an unexpected ladybird in one of the flowers too.

They looked alright in the camera, but then again it was way too sunny and glary for me to look clearly enough. Turns out the pictures aren’t as good as I hoped they would be.

Hope you like them!

Barnabas’s neighbours’ grave. (Neighbour in the cemetery i.e.)

The ladybird.

A closer look at the little fellow.


  1. What the sun was up until 9 pm? Now how cool is that? The cemetery is a cool place to be. The lady bug pictures are super cool. Looking forward for more interesting pictures from you.


    • Yes, I think during the longest day of the summer it stays up till close to 10! And during the shortest day of winter the sun sets little before or after 3pm! Cheers mate.

  2. luv it. luv the ladybird!

  3. I also like to browse through cemeteries…particularly I like the one in Kandy next to the temple, theres this old cemetery which is very eerie, and oddly serene. I spent hours reading each and every tomb stone!

    • I don’t necessarily find cemeteries to be serene. But I am intrigued by what’s inscribed on the tombstones and their dates. They expose so many layers and layers of history and I can’t help but ponder upon how the landscaped may have looked like when a particular tombstone was erected at that moment in time.

  4. omg love the last one 😀 cute!

  5. The last picture is my favourite! 🙂

  6. Dee, Black and Scrumps – Thanks for dropping by, seems the ladybird is the favourite amongst the ladies.

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